Surfing Queensland COVID-19 update

Published on 10/08/2021

Dear members of the QLD surfing community,

As you are likely aware, 11 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in South East Queensland recently came out of a week-long lockdown on Sunday August 8. Despite this, a number of restrictions are still in place until 4pm AEST Sunday 22 August in impacted areas, including:

  • City of Brisbane
  • Moreton Bay Regional Council
  • City of Gold Coast
  • City of Ipswich
  • Lockyer Valley Regional Council
  • Logan City
  • Noosa Shire Council
  • Redland City
  • Scenic Rim Regional Council
  • Somerset Regional Council
  • Sunshine Coast Regional Council

Restrictions include:

  • Mask wearing at all times (including workplaces) except when eating or drinking, or exercising with your household or one other person.
  • Schools will reopen, with all staff and high school students wearing masks
  • 10 people in your home, including people who live there
  • 20 at weddings and funerals
  • Businesses and venues with one person per four square metres, or 50 percent capacity with seated, ticket allocations
  • Community sport not permitted
  • Avoid travelling to regional Queensland
  • Visitors allowed to hospitals, aged care and disability accommodation


At this stage, no Surfing Queensland events are affected by these latest restrictions. The Australian Boardriders Battle (28 August) and Woolworths QLD Junior Titles – Gold Coast Day 2 (29 August) are scheduled to go ahead.


Boardrider Club events are considered a community sport, and therefore are not permitted in impacted areas under current restrictions.


Surf schools and coaching can operate, however, all of the following conditions must be met:

  • Maximum of 10 people with no physical contact between participants;
  • participants can physically distance;
  • venue density requirements are followed;
  • participants must wear masks unless they have a valid reason not to do so;
  • sharing of equipment is to be limited wherever possible and appropriate cleaning protocols are to be implemented;
  • organisations are reminded to ensure they are using the contact tracing app;
  • no structured competitions are to occur.

Surfing Queensland reminds all clubs and – operators to be complying with standard COVID-safe processes.

We urge you to visit the QLD Government’s COVID-19 webpage for other information that applies to your particular circumstances.

Surfing Queensland


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